
Learn to Row Open House with Hillsborough High School Rowing Club

  • When: Saturday, January 11, 2025, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Location: Tampa River Center, 402 W Laurel St, Tampa, FL 33607
  • Cost: Free

Meet our Coaches and our Varsity Athletes! Experience the sport of rowing!
Hillsborough High School Rowing Club (HHSRC) welcomes you to our FREE Learn to Row Open House, designed to introduce students to the sport of rowing and to experience the excitement and benefits of this unique water-based sport. After attending a session, we hope you will want to get into the sport or join our team* and attend one of our Learn to Row summer camps**!
The Learn to Row Open House sessions are lead by our Head Coach and Novice Coach and will cover a short introduction to the sport of rowing, a tour of the boathouse, and offer an opportunity to learn proper techniques and experience the following:
• The erg rowing machine and understanding the metrics displayed
• Dock rowing while the boat is half on the dock and half in the water
• Water rowing on the Hillsborough River

*Team Membership: To join the HHSRC team during the fall and spring seasons and to comply with FSRA (Florida Scholastic Rowing Association) requirements, the participant must reside in Hillsborough County and be one of the following:
• a Hillsborough High School student
• a middle school student
• a virtual or homeschooled high school student
• a virtual or homeschooled middle school student

  • Website:
  • Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Category: Informational & Tours


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