The Florida State Parks Junior Ranger Program provides the opportunity for young people to learn, serve and share Florida's natural and cultural resources. You can either participate in a scheduled park program or do it self-guided in the park.
Even if you're not at the park, you can do the Virtual Junior Ranger from anywhere.
Junior Ranger materials are also available en Espanol.
What's Involved:
-Visit any participating Florida State Park and ask for a
Junior Ranger Kit.
-Take the Junior Ranger Pledge and receive your member ID
card and Official Junior Ranger Badge.
-Complete the six CORE Activities from the kit.
-Turn in the six CORE Activities to park staff to receive
your Official Junior Ranger Patch!
-Complete more activities to earn stamps in your
-Turn in your completed PASSPORT to receive your Official
Junior Ranger Pin!
-Remember, being a Junior Ranger means more fun with
family and friends.