Customized programs in reading, writing and math.
KnowledgePoints provides proven techniques for better grades in math, reading and writing. We also offer SAT and ACT Test Prep programs that have helped thousands of college bound students nationwide.
Brandon/Valrico KnowledgePoints
2549 State Road 60 East
Valrico, FL 33594
Phone: (813) 689-7212
E-mail: community@knowledgepoints.com
Land O Lakes KnowledgePoints
2201 Collier Pkwy
Land O Lakes, FL 34639
Phone: (813) 909-0781
Email: landolakes@knowledgepoints.com
Riverview KnowledgePoints
10837 Boyette Road
Riverview, Florida 33569
Phone: (813) 671-1919
E-mail: elyce.burkhardt@knowledgepoints.com