Dr. Kiran C. Patel Elementary School strives to ensure students receive a well-rounded rigorous education focused on the child both inside and out, in an effort to create young leaders with healthy bodies and minds. The whole child approach is essential to our educational program that offers a deliberate focus on rigorous academics, while supporting the development of the student. While focusing on the whole child, Patel Elementary School holds resiliency, life-skills, and character at an equal weight to that of ensuring students receive rich academic instruction.
Dr. Kiran C. Patel Elementary School embraces all learners within a family school culture, while meeting the needs of the individual through a whole child approach that includes social emotional and leadership development, and project-based learning.
Dr. Kiran C. Patel Elementary School learners are responsible confident leaders and collaborative problem solvers who have a deep understanding of academic content and well developed social emotional skills.