Sportseast Player Development baseball camps and softball camps are designed and run by our friendly and knowledgeable staff with years of coaching experience. We provide the most comprehensive baseball and softball instruction in the game today. Our state of the art Tampa baseball and softball training center rivals most MLB Spring Training Complexes which give our campers everything they need to succeed. The weekly objective is to challenge every player to develop new skills and have fun at the same time.
Baserunning, Hitting, Fielding, Throwing/Pitching, Mental Approach.
Campers can also expect to play games (Wiffle Ball, Kick Ball, Dodge Ball, HR Derby, Obstacle Course).
We will be doing small competitions all week long, campers will have the opportunity to win a Private Lesson, SPD Hats/Shirts, Tiger Grip, Ice Creams and Gatorades.
Buy 3 weeks of camp, get the 4th for free!