Primed 4 Purpose LLC
                                          Musical Instruction Services​
Call 256-479-4273
A Privilege and A Pleasure
An awesome statement about your website
Welcome to the Primed4Purpose website! I, Keisha Prime, would like to invite you to join me and my experienced and talented teachers on my musical journey.  You are probably here because you or someone you know and care for is having an interest in learning how to sing, play the piano, violin, or guitar, bass guitar electric guitar, mandolin, ukulele or to learn music theory and song-writing techniques. You have definitely come to the right place!
It is surely a privilege and a pleasure for me to aid and facilitate your musical growth.  I seek to bring you a learning experience that will transcend the standard of excellence. Having graduated at the top of my music class with a 4.0, an environment that is challenging, fun, exciting, and motivating will be provided. My other high quality teachers will offer you the same standard of excellence.
Every day I awake, I am ever grateful for the gift of music. I feel blessed to have this art form be an integral part of my life. We would love to be able to impart our musical knowledge so that you too can experience the richness that music adds to a life. Please, allow us the privilege and the pleasure to Prime you for your musical Purpose! Call (256)479-4273.